
2018 Rewind on Market Trends and Investor Series

591 Videos

From Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Esports to the Advice from the investors, in 2018 TheCapitalNet TV brought to you so much of the knowledge from some of the best brains in the respective fields and industry.

Looking Back – TheCapitalNet 2018, is an ode to those entrepreneurs and professionals who have inspired us with their knowledge and experience.

We would like to thank all our speakers, who shared their knowledge with us and our viewers.

Venkat Vallabhaneni, General Partner – Parampara Capital
Sameer Dhanrajani, Chief Strategy Officer – Fractal Analytics
Rajat Ojha, Founder and CEO – Gamitronics
Pankaj Diwan, Founder and CEO – IdeaLabs and Block91

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