
COVID19 & The Entrepreneur Ecosystem

590 Videos

With the Coronavirus pandemic causing chaos and wrecking havoc in most aspects of our day-to-day life, globally, entrepreneurs may have it a little harder than the rest of us.

To all the entrepreneurs out there who are anxious about what the future holds and confused about how to handle the current situation at hand, this panel discussion consisting of two entrepreneurs and one investor will hopefully help you in finding solutions.

The panelists speak about how they have been handling the outbreak with regards to their businesses operationally and financially among others.
Remember, this too shall pass!.

Taran Chhabra, Founder, Neeman’s Shoes
Venkat Vallabhaneni, Managing Partner, Inflexor Ventures
Sridhar Pinnapureddy, Founder & CEO, CtrlS & Cloud4C Services

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