
Data Sovereignty in India – The Need by Vinit Goenka

590 Videos

Vinit Goenka is an Author, Member-Governing Council-CRIS,Ministry of Railways; Fmr Member-IT Taskforce, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways.

Mr. Goenka is on of the co-authors of the book ‘Data Sovereignty-The Pursuit of Supremacy’ and in this video he talks about ‘Data Sovereignty’, why it is important and why there is an urgent need for data protection laws inIndia.

Data Sovereignty is the idea that data are subject to the laws and governance structures within the nation it is collected. The concept of data sovereignty is closely linked with data security, cloud computing and technological sovereignty. Currently, India’s data is being stored beyond Indian shores, which poses a risk over the control the country has on its own data.

Several countries like China, European Union, Germany, Nigeria, Russia, etc have their data protection laws with its own mandates, which all the more makes the requirement for data protection in India the need of the hour.

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